Book 23—-Luke — Chp. 22 Vs. 1-13


By Joyce Webb 2021

Chapter 22 Verses 1-13

Verse 1 The Jewish feast of unleavened bread was about to start.
This feast is also called Passover.

Unleavened bread—means a bread made without yeast—more like a cracker.

Yeast in the Bible was sometimes used as a “picture” or “symbol” of sin. It takes only a little yeast to go through a mixture of flour to be through all of the mixture.

It takes only a little sin to grow into bigger sins and to be all through a person’s life, —or a nation’s people.

The Passover was a time for the Jewish people to remember when their people were slaves in Egypt—-and God brought them out of Egypt.

God told them to remember that day—-forever—every year they were to remember that day. It has been thousands of years—and the Jewish people still celebrate Passover every year.

Verse 2 The Jewish leaders were determined to get rid of Jesus.
They had talked about it and made plans for a long time.

Now that the Passover time was near, they began planning how they could kill him, but they were afraid of the people getting angry about it.

Verse 3-6 Satan entered into Judas. Judas was one of the disciples.

We are not told much about Judas. We know that he was chosen as the person to keep the money —that people gave as offerings to the disciples.

We know that when the woman opened the box of perfume to pour on Jesus’ feet, that he spoke about how that was a waste of money.
He said it could have been sold —and the money used to feed the poor.

John 12:6 He said this, not because he cared for the poor—but because he was a thief, and used the money for himself.

It makes us wonder why the disciples let him continue to take care of the offerings of money. If they knew he was stealing from it, why didn’t they let someone else take care of the money?

So, we know from that Bible verse—that all was not well with Judas.

He was with the other disciples through all of Jesus’ teachings, and miracles, and the disciples themselves going out to preach. But, he never seemed to let all of that change his heart.

Many people knew that the Jewish leaders were trying to catch Jesus.

Judas knew this also. He realized that he could help them catch Jesus and he would do this for payment of money.

This was a temptation of Satan. Judas allowed himself to follow this temptation.

So Judas went to the Jewish leaders and made a deal.
He promised to help them catch Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.
In those days, you could buy a slave for 30 pieces of silver.

Verse 7 Passover Day came. It was the time to kill the lamb for the Passover meal.

Verse 8 Jesus sent Peter and John to go prepare things for the Passover meal.

Verse 9 They asked Jesus where they should have the meal.

Verse 10 Jesus told them, That when they entered the city, they would see a man carrying a pitcher of water. They were to follow him and tell him—that Jesus, (their “master”, “teacher”) needed a place to have the Passover meal with his disciples.

Verse 11 Jesus said—He will show you a large upper room with furniture. You are to make things ready for the meal there.

Think about this: Jesus saw this. It had not happened yet.

Jesus knew it was going to happen—he knew the details –everything—about it.

A man carrying a pitcher of water would not be all that common.
Usually the women went to get water from the town well.

Jesus saw that it would be an upstairs room—with furniture.

Verse 13 So Peter and John went—and everything happened just as Jesus said.