Lesson #83—-Discernment


Being able to understand and judge things—especially “hidden” intent and purpose.

By Joyce Webb 2021

We are living in a time that Christians need to have “discernment”.

Discernment is sharp judgment of a matter.

The ability to see beneath the words spoken —-and to understand their intent and purpose.

People can speak smooth nice words, but mean something else.

People can speak words to make you afraid so you will do what they want you to do.

Discernment means you can see and understand beyond their words —to see what they are really planning to do.

Some people are naturally wiser and have more understanding than other people.

As a Christian, the Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is with us and in us —-to help us have wisdom and understanding—that is better than our own understanding.

We need to learn to listen to this inner voice to our spirit that warns us —that things are not what it looks like.

In the Old Testament book of Nehemiah we read about 2 times that Nehemiah had “discernment” that saved him from harm.

Nehemiah chapter 6—men who were against the Jews rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem—tried to get the leader, Nehemiah to stop.

First, they invited Nehemiah to a nearby town to meet with them.

Nehemiah felt that this was not a friendly meeting—but that they planned to hurt him or kill him. So he sent them a message—”I am doing a great work here, and I can not stop to come.”

Four times they tried to get him to come meet them. Four times he sent the same message.

Then they sent a letter saying that everyone was saying that he, Nehemiah, was planning to set himself up as a king of the Jewish people. They planned on reporting him to the King of Persia—who ruled over them all.

Nehemiah did not believe that everyone was saying those things.

He saw that they were trying to make him worry and be afraid.

He said, You are telling lies. You think you can discourage us and make the workers quit and give up.

One day he went to visit with one of the Jewish leaders. This was one of Nehemiah own people.

The Jewish leader said that Nehemiah should protect himself because his enemies were trying to kill him. That Nehemiah should hide himself in the temple.

Nehemiah was disappointed that one of his own people would try to trick him into quit working on the wall.

He said to the man, How would it look for me, the leader, to run away and hide myself? I will not do it.

Later, Nehemiah learned that the Jewish leader had been paid by the enemies—to try to get him to be afraid—and make him lose the respect of the people by hiding.

Nehemiah kept on working. Finally, the walls were complete.

The enemies were angry, but also afraid.

They saw how Nehemiah was wise and was strong in the Lord. They saw that he could not be turned away from doing what God had told him to do.

We are living in a time when we need to understand and have wisdom about the things we are hearing.

All the things we are hearing are not the truth. People who are not Christians—even our leaders—are not telling us the truth about things.

They are trying to make us afraid.

They are trying to make us ashamed of our self and to feel guilty.

They are trying to turn our attention on one thing—-so that we miss seeing something else that is more important.

“News” is twisted and half true and half made up stories.

We need to pray as we listen and ask the Lord to help us know what is true.

We need to pray and ask the Lord to help us see what is “behind” what they are saying.

Things are changing in our nation. Leaders are making decisions that are very different from the way our nation has been for years.

Laws and beliefs are changing. If you do not agree with them—they will come against you.

As time goes on, they will be against Christians. You need to prepare yourself for that.

You need to think about what it will cost you—if you stay true to Christ—and they say they will do bad things to you.

Will you stay true to Jesus? Will you bow to what they want because you think you will save your life?

Will you bow to what they want because you need food for your children?

Will you bow to what they want because you do not want to suffer pain and hurt?

You need to think about these things.

You need to remember—you are eternal. You will live forever somewhere—heaven or hell.

If you do not stay true to Jesus and you walk away from Him—or you deny (say you do not believe in Him)—-then you walk away from life in heaven.

Jesus said, If you deny Me before men, I will deny you before my father in heaven. Matthew 10: 33

There will come a time when you will not be able to be a “secret” “silent” Christian.

There will come a time when you will have to say, Yes, I am a Christian. No, I will not give up believing in Jesus.

You need to think about these things. You need to pray now that you will have the strength to stay true to Jesus.

You need to pray for your loved ones that they will stay true to Jesus.

You need to pray that you will be able to put your children in the hands of God—and that whatever happens to them—-God sees—trust him to take care of them.