Book 23—-Luke Chp. 12 Vs. 35-59


By Joyce Webb 2020

Chapter 12 verse 35-59

Verse 35-38 Jesus says the coming again of Jesus to this world will be like—-a man who has gone away on a trip to a wedding. When he comes back home, all his servants are waiting for him. When they hear him coming, they go to the door and welcome him in.

Jesus said, that blessed are the servants that are looking and waiting for their lord to return.

Jesus said that when he—meaning Jesus— returns, he will have the servants sit down at a table to eat, and Jesus will serve them.

Vs. 38 Jesus said—Be watching. He may come at the second watch, or the third watch—either way, they should be waiting and watching.

The “watch” time was the time that soldiers kept watch and guard through the night. The night was marked in so many hours, and soldiers were given a time to stand watch.

The Jewish people had 3 night time watches:

From sunset to 10:00 pm

10:00 to 2:00 am

2:00 am to sunrise

The Romans—-who were ruling over the Jews—had 4 night time watches:

Called– even (or evening), midnight, cock-crowing, morning

From sunset to 9:00 pm—even

9:00 pm to 12:00 midnight–midnight

12:00 midnight to 3:00 am–cock-crowing

3:00 am to 6:00 am —morning


Depending on which “watch” time was used, it could be a different time of night.

What Jesus is saying is—-no matter what time he comes—his servants—believers who follow him—-should be watching for his return and coming.

Vs.39 Jesus compared his coming to how a thief comes in the night without warning.

Jesus said if the man of the house knew when the thief would come, he would have watched and protected his house so the thief would not get in.

Of course, a thief does not tell people when he is coming.

And the coming of the Lord will be with no warning. He will just come. Christians need to be ready. They need to keep their hearts right with God all the time.

Vs. 40 Jesus said, Be ready, for the Son of Man— comes at an hour when you do not think he will.

Vs. 41 Peter asked, Is this talk just for us disciples, or is it for everyone?

Vs. 42 -48 Jesus said that it is for any one who is a servant with responsibly.

Any one who believes in Jesus and is a Christian, has a responsibly to follow what Jesus said and taught. Every Christian has a responsibly to try to tell others about Jesus and salvation.

Jesus said, if people who know what God’s word has said and then they do not do it—God will judge them.

They will be judged as not faithful. Vs. 46 says they will be put with the unbelievers. That person will be cut off.

Ubelievers go to hell.

Vs. 48 People who did not know that they were doing things that would bring them punishment—-they would receive only a light punishment.

People who knew the truth, but refused to do it, will receive much punishment.

People who do not know the truth or have never heard it—-will receive light punishment.

The more truth you know—-but will not do it—the more punishment you will receive.

There are many people who have grown up in church and have heard the truth all their lives, but they refuse to follow what the Bible says. It will be a sad day for them some day when they stand before God.

Vs. 49-59

Jesus says that he has come to bring fire on the earth.

Fire was used to burn up the chaff after wheat grain was harvested.

Chaff is what is left after the grain heads are taken.

Jesus is talking about a time of coming judgment. The burning of fire in hell for those who are not believers.

Then Jesus says that his coming to this world has brought a “sword” and not peace.

Families, people groups, will be separated—those who believe and those who do not believe. Like a sword that divides, so Jesus divides—those who believe, those who do not believe.

People who do not believe will be against those who believe.

Jesus said, people can look at the sky and understand what the weather will be—but when they see the things happening with Jesus—they do not understand what is about to happen to him.

(He would soon be going to the cross.)

You can judge what is right. When someone has a problem and blames you, try to work it out with them before they take you to the judge.