Book 23—-Luke Chp. 12 vs. 13-34


By Joyce Webb 2020

Chapter 12 verse 13-34

Vs. 13 One man in the crowd said to Jesus, Master, talk to my brother and tell him to share the inheritance with me.

Jesus said to him, Who made me a judge? (In other words, Jesus did not have authority to do that. Nor did he want to.)

Then Jesus told the crowd, Be careful about wanting what other people have.

A person’s life is not made up of the things he has and owns. (In other words, all the things you own and have are not what makes your life worth living or brings happiness. Life is more about relationships, love, friendships, enjoying nature, flowers, etc.

Most important, knowing the love of God in your life.)

Vs. 16 Jesus told them a story—a parable—a earthly story with a heavenly meaning.

A rich man grew many crops on his land. Everything grew very well. He had so much that he decided to build bigger barns to hold it all. I will have so much, I can rest. I will eat, drink, and be “merry” happy, and have a party.

But that night, God said to the man, tonight you will die. Your soul will leave your body. Now who will get to enjoy all your things?

Vs. 21 Jesus said, This is what will happen to a person who gets much “treasure” and “riches” for himself, but he has no “riches” toward God. (In other words, a person who does not make his heart right with God, is a “poor” person, no matter how rich he is in earthly things. If your heart is not right with God, you will not go to heaven. You will go to hell. You are not “rich” as far as God thinks.)

Vs. 22 Jesus said to the disciples, Do not take thought about what you will eat or wear. Life is about more than this.

Look at the birds, the ravens, they do not plant, or harvest. They do not build barns to save food. God feeds them and sees they find food. You are more important than birds.

Vs. 25 By thinking about it, can any one of you make yourself taller? If you can not do that, then why worry about those other things?

Vs. 27 Look at the flowers, the lily, they do not work or weave cloth to look beautiful. King Solomon in all his rich robes, was not as beautiful as these lilies.

Vs. 28 If God grows grass in the fields to cover them, yet the grass is cut and dried and burned up, how much more will God put clothes on you.

Vs. 29 Do not search and worry about what you will eat or drink, do not let doubt be in your mind.

Vs. 30 The nations of the world search and work for all these things. God knows you need all these things.

Vs. 31 But it is more important to seek (look for) the kingdom of God —– and all of these things will be added to you.

Vs. 32 Do not be afraid, for it is your Father’s pleasure (happiness) to give you his kingdom.

Vs. 33 Sell what you have, and give it to the poor. Get “bags that will not rot and get old” —a treasure in heaven that will never fail,

A thief can not steal it. And moths will not eat it.

Vs. 34 For where your “treasure” is—-there is where your heart is.


The disciples did what Jesus said. They traveled all over many cities and to other nations. Peter took his wife with him sometimes.

All of the disciples were put in prison, and ended up being killed for preaching the gospel—–escape for one disciple—John—he died of old age, but spent years in prison.

Jesus’ talk about not worrying about what you will eat and drink or wear—is for us, too.

Not that we should sit home and do nothing and expect God to send everything to our door free.

We should work, be wise, spend money carefully, buy what we need, save money and food, etc. for the future—–but not to get into a worried state of mind about it.

We are not to think about it so much that we are always worried about the future and what will happen.

We are not to spend a lot of money and time and thought—-saving, keeping, building up food storage, etc.—worrying about the future.

Use reason and be wise, but do not over do it.

God will help us and take care of us.

We need to plan and prepare in a reasonable way. Then trust God to take care of us beyond that.

We do not know what the future will hold. We do not know what we will need.

So trust God to care for you.