Bible Questions #3959-3971 John 19 vs. 1-24

Bible Questions #3959-3971

By Joyce Webb

St. John 19 Vs. 1-24

3959. Pilate, the Roman governor, took Jesus and soldiers used a whip on Jesus. They also made a crown of _________________.

They put a __________________ _______________ on Jesus.

Why did they put these things on him? ____________________


3960. Vs. 3 What did they say to Jesus? ____________________


3961. Vs. 4 Pilate again said to the Jewish leaders—-I find no

____________________ in him.

3962. Vs. 6 What did the Jewish leaders begin to shout?


3963. Pilate told them to take Jesus and do that to him. The Jews answered that by the Jewish law, he should die because Jesus did what? _______________________________________________

(Roman law did not allow the Jews to put people to death. They had to have permission from the Romans.)

3964. Was Jesus wrong in saying that about himself? __________

3965. When Pilate heard this, he became more afraid. (Remember, Pilate is Roman and most Romans worshipped idols. They believed these gods came down from the sky or heavens.)

So Pilate asked Jesus where he came from. But Jesus did not answer him. Pilate became angry when Jesus did not answer.

He said Why do you not answer? I have the power to kill you or let you go. What did Jesus answer? ________________________



3966. Vs. 12 Then the Jewish leaders said to Pilate that if he let Jesus go, he would not be the “friend” of _________________. (That man was the top leader of the Roman government.)

3967. Vs. 16, 17 Pilate argued with them some more. Then he finally gave Jesus to them. They took Jesus away, and made him carry his cross. They went to the place of a skull, called


3968. How many other men were put on a cross the same day as Jesus? ____________

3969. Pilate had a sign made and put up on Jesus’ cross. What did it say? ________________________________________________

3970. The soldiers took Jesus’ clothing and put it in 4 piles—-one for each soldier with Jesus.

Then they took his cloak (cape, coat).

It was woven —one piece—no seams. They did not want to tear it into 4 pieces—so what did they do? _______________________


3971. Vs. 24 Read Psalms 22:18 What does it say?


This was a prophecy given, hundreds of years before—-that this would happen.