Book 23—–Luke Chp. 11 Vs. 14-36


By Joyce Webb 2020

Chapter 11 Verse 14-36

Vs. 14 Jesus was with a man who could not speak. The old-fashion word for that was “dumb”.

Jesus could see and understand that the reason this man could not speak —-was not something physical—but an evil spirit that was making it that way.

So Jesus make the evil spirit leave. The man could then speak.

Vs. 15 But some of the people watching this said—that Jesus made the evil spirit leave because Jesus did it by the power of the chief of devils–Beelzebub.

Vs. 17 Jesus said, how could a house or kingdom stand if it worked against itself? In other words, if the chief of devils throws devils (spirits) out of people—he would be working against himself. That does not make sense. Who would do that?

Vs. 19 Jesus said, If you say I make evil spirits leave by the power of the chief of devils, what about your own priests—what power do they use to make devils leave?

Vs. 20 Jesus said, If I by the power of God make devils leave, then the kingdom of God has come to you.

Vs. 21,22 A strong man guards his house and things and keeps them safe. But when a man who is stronger comes—then he can defeat him and take his things.

(In other words, the evil spirit was strong, but when a stronger power came–Jesus–he made the evil spirit leave. So who was stronger? Who had more power?)

Vs. 23 Jesus said, Who ever is not working with me—is working against me.

Vs. 24 Jesus said, When an evil spirit leaves a person, the evil spirit goes around seeking rest, but when he finds no rest, he comes back to the person he was in.


(Evil spirits would rather be in a person, or an animal, than just roaming around. They look for a person who they can enter.

The kind of person they can enter—is someone who is sinning–especially regularly as a way of life. Sin opens a door to your spirit. Sin leaves an opening for an evil spirit to see if it can get in. Some kinds of sins seem to make a bigger opening.

A person who is doing drugs, or alcohol, has left an “open door” to an evil spirit.

A person who watching sexual acts —pornography—has an “open door” to an evil spirit.

A person who spends much time to imagine, and daydream of sexual acts —especially the kind of sexual things that are not normal between a man and woman who are married to each other—–this kind of sexual daydreaming can open the door to an evil spirit.

A person who is often angry and bitter, and rebellious–leaves an “open door” to an evil spirit.

A person who is using occult things, like fortune telling, tarot cards, game boards that ‘tell the future’, other types of such things—–leave an “open door” to an evil spirit.

If a person is doing these things—it does not mean that an evil spirit will come into them—but it means that they have opened a door that if an evil spirit sees it and is around—it may try to come into that person.

There are many stories and testimonies of people who have told how and when they knew an evil spirit had come into them, and usually it was because they were doing these kinds of things.

In Jesus’ day, in that part of the world, many of the people worshipped idols. That “opens the door” to an evil spirit.

An idol is just a shape made of clay, wood, gold, etc.—it represents a spirit. The people are worshipping the spirit that the idol stands for. So they open themselves up to an evil spirit—if one tries to come in.

In countries today, where most of the people worship idols. You will see the work of evil spirits. Often, people, even children, have had an evil spirit enter into them.)


When the evil spirit finds that person is “clean”, he goes back in the person and maybe takes other evil spirits in with him. Now the person has several evil spirits in him.

(This is a warning. Jesus is saying, that when a person is “cleaned” of an evil spirit, he needs to be careful.

He needs to fill his heart and mind with God’s spirit and with faith.

He needs to be careful about sinning again. Even “little” sins can leave an “open door” to the evil spirit—especially, for a person who has had an evil spirit.

So the person needs to be careful to obey God and stay close to God.)

Vs. 27,28 A woman in the crowd spoke loudly and said, :Blessed is the woman who gave birth to you and nursed you.”

Jesus said to her–more blessed is the person who hears the word of God and keeps it —obeys it, and remembers it.

Vs. 29-32 Jesus said, these people are a wicked and evil group of people. They keep saying they want a sign from heaven—to know whether to believe in me or not.

(Yet the people had seen healings, and evil spirits cast out.)

Jesus said, the only sign you will get is the “sign of Jonah”. He was sent to preach to a group of people. They believed what he said, and repented of their sin, and their city was saved.

The queen from Sheba, traveled a long way to see King Solomon and ask him questions because he was so wise.

Yet —a person more wise that Solomon is here in front of you—-and you will not believe him.

Vs.33 If a man has a candle, he does not hide it —–but he put it on a candle stick —so it is up high and gives light to the room.

Vs. 34-36 Your eye is like a light or lamp to your body. It lets in light. Your spirit is like your eye. It lets in “light or truth” into your mind. But if your spirit is evil and sinful, it will not let in light. Your spirit will stay in darkness.