Book 23—-Luke Chp. 10 Vs. 21-37


By Joyce Webb 2020

Chapter 10 Vs. 21-37

Vs. 21,22 Jesus prays: He thankrd God that the things he has been teaching—has not been for the “wise” and educated men, but the teachings have been for ordinary humble people.

(The ‘wise” and educated men of Jesus’ time were the priests, and scribes, and other Jewish church leaders.

They were not interested in learning from Jesus. They thought they knew more, and knew better.

They thought Jesus was just some man who wanted to make a name for himself.

I wonder what they thought when they saw the miracles of healing?

Did it put questions in their minds?)

Then Jesus said, all that he taught—were things his Father told him to say. That no one knew the Father in the same way that Jesus did, because he was the Son of the Father.

And those people to whom the Father reveals the truth of who Jesus is—they, too, will know the Father.

Vs. 23, 24 Jesus said, Blessed is the person who sees the things you have seen. There have been prophets and kings who would have loved to have seen such things.

Vs. 25 A lawyer stood up and asked Jesus a question. He was trying to test Jesus and get him to say something that the Jewish leaders could find fault with Jesus.

The lawyer asked, How can we get eternal life?

Jesus asked him a question. What does the scripture (Old Testament) say?

The lawyer said: You should love the Lord your God will all your heart, soul, strength, and mind. And love your neighbor as yourself.

Jesus said: You are right. Do this. And you will live.

Vs. 29 The lawyer still tried to get Jesus to say something wrong. So he said, Who is my neighbor?

(This was a silly question, because your neighbor is anyone near you.)

(The Jews had certain people they did not like at all.)

Jesus answered the man by telling a story.

He said a man went from Jerusalem to Jericho. Thieves came and beat him up, took his money, took his clothing, and left him on the road almost dead.

A priest came by. He saw the man, but crossed to the other side of the road and went on by.

A Levite (Jewish church worker) came by. He saw the man, but he, too, crossed to the other side and went on by.

Then a man from Samaria came by. (The Jewish people did not like the Samaritans. They called them bad names.)

This man saw the man lying on the road. He stopped to see how he could help. He used olive oil to put on the man’s sores, then he put him on his own donkey (or horse), and took him to the next village. He took him to an inn, and gave the man some money to take care of him. He told the man, if it costs more, I will pay you when I come by here again.

Then Jesus asked the lawyer: Who was being a “neighbor”?

The lawyer said: The man who showed mercy.

Vs 37 Jesus said: Go and do the same.

In the story, the Jewish priest and the Levite were not the “good , kind, people”. But they were “Leaders” and “examples” for the people.

The lawyer probably felt insulted—but he also, knew that it was very true as to how many of the Jewish leaders behaved.