Bible Questions #3849-3867 John Chp. 14 Vs.1-29

Bible Questions #3849-3867

By Joyce Webb

St. John 14 Vs. 1-29

3849. Vs. 1 Jesus is talking. He said, Let not your ____________

be ____________________________;

You believe in _____________ , believe, also, in ____________.

3850. Vs. 2 In my ___________________ ______________ are many _______________________.

If it were not true, I would have told you.

I go to _______________________ a place for you.

3851. If I go, to prepare a place for you, I will _______________

again, and receive you unto myself—–that where _________ ___________ you may be also.

3852. Vs. 4 Jesus said, Where I go you know—and the way you know. Vs. 5 What did Thomas say? _____________________


3853. Vs. 6 Jesus said, I am the ____________.

The _________________, and the __________________.

No man comes to the Father, except ____________________ ___________.

(What does this mean? Can you believe in any religion and go to heaven? ___________ Can you believe in any god, and go to heaven? ________)

3854. Vs. 8 What does Philip say to Jesus? __________________


3855. Jesus said, He who has seen _________ has seen the Father.

3856. Vs. 10 Do you believe that I am __________ the Father, and the Father is in _____________?

3857. Vs. 12 Jesus said, The person who believes on me—shall do the _________________ that I do. He will do even greater works.

3858. Vs.13 Jesus said, Whatever you _____________ in my name, I ________________ ___________ it —so that the Father may be glorified.

3859. Vs. 15 If you ______________ me, keep my


3860. Vs. 16 I will pray to the Father, and he will send you a

____________________ (one who comforts). He will abide (stay, live) with you forever.

3861. This will be the Spirit of __________________. (Holy Spirit) . The world can not receive the Spirit because it does not know him or understand about him.

He will dwell (live) with you and be in you.

3862. Vs. 19 In a little time and the world will not see me any more. You will see me. Because I live –you will ____________ ____________.

3863. Vs. 21 The person who loves me will do what?


3864. Vs. 26 The Comforter, which is the ____________ _________________ –the Father will send—-he will ________________ you and —-bring all things to you to _________________________—-the things I have told you.

3865. Vs. 23 I leave you ______________. My ________________ I give to you.

Do not let your _________________ be ____________________ do not be _______________________

3866. Vs. 28 I will go away (unto the Father) and I will come

_______________ unto you.

3867. Vs 29 Jesus said, I will not talk with you much after today, because the ______________ of the ________________ comes.

(Meaning Satan will cause Judas to betray him, and he will die on the cross. His time on earth is almost finished.)