Book 23—-Luke Chp. 8 Vs.1-15


By Joyce Webb 2020

Chapter 8      Vs. 1-15

Vs. 1 Jesus went to many different towns preaching and teaching.

His 12 disciples were with him.

Vs.2,3 Some women followed Jesus around also. Some of them were named: Mary of Magdalene (Jesus cast 7 demons out of her)

Joanna, the wife of Chuza—he was a steward for Herod the Roman ruler


And many others

These women gave money (offerings) to Jesus and his disciples to help them.

Vs. 4-15 Jesus told parables—stories that had a spiritual meaning.

Jesus told about a farmer who planted seeds. He used the word “sow” instead of “plant” as we would.

Long ago, farmers had a bag of seed, there would reach in a get a handful and “cast it” or throw it in an arch or half circle. The seed would spread out and fall on the ground.

Some of the seed fell by the roadside. That seed was walked on, or the birds came and ate it.

Some of the seed fell upon the rocks and stones. It grew but it did not have deep roots, and did not have enough water— so it soon died.

Some of the seed fell into the thorns —-it grew, but the thorns took over and the seeds died.

Some of the seed fell on good ground and it grew very well. It became strong good plants and grew “fruit” or grain heads.

Vs. 9 The disciples asked Jesus what the story meant.

Jesus said the seed is like the word of God.

Some people are like the seed by the wayside.

They hear God’s words, but it does not go into their mind and heart. On the wayside road the soil is hard and packed down–the seed does not go into the dirt.

These people are like that. Their minds and hearts are hard against the word of God. They do not let it go into their minds and hearts.

Some of the people are like the seed that fell on the rocky places.

They receive God’s word, they believe for a time. Then temptation to sin comes, and they turn away from God’s word and go their own way again.

Some of the people are like the seed that fell into the thorns.

They believe and grow in God for a time, but things in life make them turn away from God. Things like sorrow, hard times, or being too busy to take time for God, or loving pleasure and choosing it instead of God.

Some people are like the seed that fell on good ground.

They believe and they grow in God. They stay true to God.

They have deep roots in believing. They do not let the hard things of life make them give up. They do not let temptation, or other things to make the give up their faith.

They get “water” by studying the Bible and listening to Bible teachers.

They grow into strong plants and grow “fruit” or “grain”—they bring other people to Jesus, or they help other people grow in faith.