Book 23—–Luke Chp. 5 Vs. 1-11


By Joyce Webb 2019

Chapter 5       Vs. 1-11

Vs. 1-3 Jesus and his disciples are at the lake of Gennesaret.

There are two boats there. The fishermen are done fishing and are washing their fishing nets.

One of the boats belongs to Simon Peter. So Jesus got into the boat and asked to be pushed out a few feet into the lake.

Voices and noise carries louder over water. So the water would help Jesus’ voice sound louder. Jesus could talk to the group of people and be heard better.

Vs. 4 After Jesus was finished speaking to the people, he told Peter to go out into the lake again and let down his nets.

Peter told Jesus that they had already been fishing all night and had not caught anything.

But since Jesus told him to do it—-Peter went out into the lake again and put down his net.

A great many fish came swimming into the net. It was more than Peter’s net could hold, so he waved to the men to bring the other boat out.

They also caught many, many fish. Both of the boats were so full of fish than the boats were near sinking.

Vs. 8,9 The men were so surprised and in wonder.

Peter bowed down to Jesus and said, “I am a sinful man.” He understood that Jesus had a special power and that power was from God. He understood that Jesus was a special person.

James and John were the other men. Jesus said to all of them, from now on you will “fish” for men.

In other words, they would be teaching and preaching with Jesus to bring men to God and salvation.

When the men came to the shore, they sold all those fish, so they had some extra money for their families.

Then they left their boats and did not fish anymore, but followed Jesus from then on.