Bible Questions #3621-3635 John 6:66-70, John 7:1-9

Bible Questions #3621-3635

By Joyce Webb

St. John 6 Vs. 66-70      John 7 Vs. 1-9

Vs. 66 After Jesus talked about “eating his flesh” and “drinking his blood”—-remember what those words really meant.

“Eating his flesh”—-Jesus also called himself the “Bread of Life”.

In both the “eating” and “drinking”—Jesus was saying that people needed to come to Him. He was the One who could give them what they needed. Jesus could give them eternal life.

It was Jesus’ “flesh” on the cross— that was beaten and hurt—he did it to pay for the people’s sin. It was Jesus’ blood that ran down, that was the payment for our sin.

But the people had a hard time understanding what Jesus was meaning with these words.

3621. Vs. 66 So—many of those who followed Jesus—did what? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3622. Vs. 67 What did Jesus ask his disciples? ______________


3623. Vs. 68 What did Peter say? _________________________


3624. Vs. 69 Peter says that he believes that Jesus is—— who?


3625. Vs. 70 Jesus tells them that he has chosen them—-but one of them is a _______________________.

3626. Vs. 71 Who was Jesus talking about? _________________

John Chp. 7 Vs. 1-

3627. Vs. 1 Jesus walked in Galilee, but he did not want to be in Judea. Why? ________________________________________


3628. It was the time for what feast? ____________________

3629. Vs. 3 Who tried to get Jesus to go to Judea? _________________________________________

They said, So that your ________________________ can see

_______________________________ that you do.

3630. Vs. 4 They said that Jesus should do all this miracles so he can be ______________________ by people. He should do all these miracles so he can make himself famous.


3631. Did his brothers believe that he was “special” —-( God’s Son.)—-at this time? ___________________

His brothers were mocking him.

Did Jesus come to make himself famous________________.

3632. Vs. 6 What did Jesus tell his brothers? ______________________________________________________

What do you think Jesus meant by that? _____________________


3633. Vs. 7 Jesus said the world would not hate them, but the world would hate him, because—________________________


In other words, Jesus tells the people of their sin and that they need to repent and stop sinning. He tells them that He is the One who can forgive their sin.

They do not like hearing that they are doing sin. They do not like this “man” who says that he can forgive their sins.


3634. Vs. 8 What does Jesus tell his brothers to do? ________


3635. Vs. 9 After Jesus told them this—what did Jesus do?
