Book 23—Luke 2 Vs. 21-52


By Joyce Webb 2019

Chapter 2 Vs. 21-52

Vs. 21 When Jesus was eight days old, he was taken to the temple. It was a custom to circumcise a boy baby on the eighth day. The priest or rabbi did it.

At that time they also named the baby. The angel had told them that they were to name him Jesus.

They also brought a sacrifice to offer on the altar. They brought 2 pigeons. This was the offering of those who were poor and had little money.

Vs. 25-

There was a man, named Simon. He prayed a lot and God spoke to him long ago, that he would not die until he saw the coming of the Messiah, the One— God promised would come to be the Savior for the Jewish people, —-and for the whole world.

Vs.27 The Holy Spirit whispered into his spirit that he should go to the temple. When he got there, he found Mary and Joseph and the baby. The Holy Spirit spoke to Simon to let him know that this was the Messiah, Savior, that he was waiting for.

Simon held the baby in his arms. He prayed thanking God that he was allowed to see this baby that would grow to be the Savior.

He said, now I am ready to die, because I have seen the Lord’s salvation.

He will be a light to the Gentiles (non-Jews) and he will be the glory of Israel.

Vs.33 Joseph and Mary were surprised at this man and what he said, and that he knew that this was a special baby.

Vs 34,35 Simeon gave a prophecy about Jesus—that he would have those who would be against him. That Mary would have a deep sorrow.

(Mary would not know —at this time—– that Jesus would hang on a cross —like someone who was a criminal— and die.)

Vs. 36 Then a woman came up to them, her name was Anna.

She prayed a lot and the Holy Spirit spoke to her about this baby.

She said that this baby would be the salvation for many in Jerusalem.

(This is so special–that the Holy Spirit spoke to these two people and they came to the temple at the exact right time to see the baby Jesus. The Holy Spirit does these kinds of things in our life. We need to learn to know his “whispers” to our spirit—and obey them.)

After all these things at the temple, Mary and Joseph went back home.

Vs. 40 Jesus grew and became strong in spirit, he was full of wisdom, and the grace of God was on him.

(Mary would have other children with Joseph as the father, but none of the other children would be like this child.)

Vs. 41-52 When Jesus was 12 years old they went to the temple again.

When a Jewish boy becomes 12, they have a ceremony at the temple for him, and he becomes a “grown-up” . He is now responsible for his own actions and sins. He knows right from wrong. He has to answer for his own sins.

He could now take part in some of the prayers and ceremonies in the church service.

Many Jewish people came to the temple at certain times of the year. Some traveled together in groups from their home to Jerusalem. This was for safety as well as to help each other.

Most of them knew each other and were neighbors and friends.

The group started back home. At the end of the day, Mary and Joseph looked for Jesus, but did not find him in the group. They went back to the temple and Jerusalem, looking for him.

I am sure that they were as worried as any parent would be. They found him in the temple, talking with the rabbis (teachers). The Jewish rabbis were amazed at the things Jesus said and his understanding of the scriptures.

When Mary and Joseph found him they scolded him for staying behind and making them worry.

Jesus said, Did you not know that I would be about my Father’s business?

Jesus did not mean his earthly father’s business—-he was a carpenter—Jesus meant his real Father’s business—God—who had made him grow in Mary’s body.

His parents did not understand what he meant. They did not at this time understand what Jesus life was to be and what he was to do.

Mary kept all these things in her heart—and thought about them.

Jesus went home with them. He obeyed them. He grew in wisdom. He grew in body. He had favor with men (people) and with God.