Book 23—-Luke Chapter 2 Vs. 1-19


By Joyce Webb 2019

Chapter 2     Vs. 1-19

(This chapter is often read at Christmas time..)

Vs. 1 The Roman ruler over the area of the Jewish people—-made a law that all men were to pay a tax to the Roman government.

They were to go to the “hometown” of their “fathers”.

Vs. 4 Joseph was from the same group-tribe as King David. So Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem to pay the tax.

Vs. 5,6 Joseph took Mary with him. It was getting near time, for Mary’s baby to be born.


In Matthew 1 Vs. 18 and vs.25 —the Bible says that Joseph and Mary did not have sexual union until after Jesus was born.

This is important—so that there would be no question that Mary was pregnant by the Holy Spirit.

The King James Version Bible says that Mary was Joseph’s espoused wife. “Espoused” means engaged. In Bible days, the

“engagement “ of a couple was a binding agreement and contract.

It was an agreement that the parents agreed to for their adult “children”. Parents were the ones to arrange marriages.

In some groups of people—-the young man or woman were allowed to say if they were willing to marry that person. In some groups, the young people had no say in it.

The Bible does not say if Joseph and Mary had already had the marriage wedding ceremony or not.

Even if they have not had the wedding—-they were promised to each other with a legal binding contract.

That is why when Joseph learns that Mary is pregnant, he thinks about divorcing her. See Matthew Chapter 1 Vs. 18-25

To break this legal contract—-he would have to do it with a judge and as a legal thing.

So, we do not know it they were “married” or not on this trip—-Some Bible teachers who study the old languages—say they could have been. Some say, they may not have been, —-but they were still legally bound to each other by contract.

Vs. 7 Mary is really near time to have the baby, because the night they arrive in Bethlehem, she has the baby.

If walking, the distance from Nazareth to Bethlehem is about 80-90 miles. That was a long trip for a woman so near to having a baby.

They tried to get a room in an inn. But the town was full of visitors all coming in to pay their taxes, and all the inns were full.

Joseph was able to find shelter in a stable. It could have been like a opening to a cave. It could have been a building with 3 sides.

The baby was wrapped in cloth and put in a manger. A “manger” is a feeding box for the animals.

Vs. 8,-18 While Mary and Joseph were busy with the new baby.

Something was happening out in the fields around Bethlehem.

The shepherds were in the fields watching the sheep.

Some Bible teachers say that this sentence shows that this was probably spring time. And that Jesus was born in the spring.

Because sheep give birth in the spring—and the shepherds would be watching them—as they may need to help.

Otherwise—there is not so much need to stay and watch the sheep.

As the shepherds were waiting through the night—the sky became bright with angels. They were saying, Glory to God, in the highest.

Then one angel spoke to them—to tell them that a Savior, Christ the Lord has been born.

To know that is true—they could go find the child.

He would be in wrapped in cloth, lying in a manger.

I wonder how many places in Bethlehem would have mangers? The Lord must have helped them find the right place.

They found it and surely told Joseph and Mary about the angels.

After they left the stable, Vs. 18 they told everyone they saw about the angels, the baby, and that he was called the Savior.

Vs. 19 Mary had a lot to think about. But she kept all these thoughts to herself and thought about all that had happened.