Bible Questions #3547-3556
By Joyce Webb
St. John 5:19-29
3547. Vs. 19 In verse 18 the Jewish leaders were angry because Jesus made himself to be equal to God. They did not believe it.
In verse 19—Jesus said to them—The ___________ can do nothing of himself. He does—- only what he sees the Father do. Whatever the _______________ does, the _____________ does the same.
(In other words, they are together working as one.)
3548. The Father _____________ the Son, and shows him all things that the Father does. He will do even greater things than you have seen.
3549. As the Father raises up the dead and gives them life, so also the _______________ gives life to whomever he wills.
3550. Vs. 22 The Father judges no ____________, but has given this responsibility to his _______________.
3551. Vs. 23 All men should ________________ the Son, just as they honor the _________________. The person who does not honor the Son, does not honor the _______________ who sent the Son.
3552. Vs. 24 Jesus said, Who ever hears my ______________ and believes on the One who sent me—-will have _____________________ life. He will not be blamed or
C_____________________. He will pass from death to ____________________.
3553. Vs. 25 Jesus said, The time is coming—and it is now here—that the ___________________ will hear the voice of the _______________ of ________________. They that hear it (meaning and accept it) shall ______________.
(There could be two meanings for Vs. 25.
One—people have sinned and because of that sin—-they have the punishment of death forever on them. But if they believe in Jesus and what he teaches then they will be forgiven of their sins and will have life forever in heaven. See Ephesians 2: 1-5 . Ephesians 5: 14 and Colossians 2: 13
Another meaning —could be—that after Jesus died , he rose up from the dead, but before he showed himself to people on earth, he went down to “sheol” or a place of the dead.
This place of the dead was a “holding” place for those who believed in God and obeyed him. They died before Jesus came to the earth to die on the cross to pay our death punishment for sin.
They were “believers” in God and obeyed the laws of God. God’s plan for salvation had not yet been done.
So these believers are in a special place for the dead, waiting for Jesus to die on the cross and pay their death punishment for them.
This place is called the “bosom of Abraham” in the Bible.
See Luke 16:23, Luke 23:43 and Luke 16:26
I Peter 3:18-20 and Ephesians 4:8-10 Say that after Jesus death, Jesus went to this waiting place to tell these people that he had paid for their sins with his death. Then he took them to heaven.
The King James Version of the Bible uses the English word “hell”.
In the original language of the New Testament, the word used was “sheol”—-not “hell”.
Hell is the place of punishment for those who did not believe and did not obey God.)
3554. Vs. 26 This is a very important verse. Jesus tells the Jewish leaders—-as the Father has __________ in himself—so also the ______________ has life in himself.
(Only God—has the power to give himself life. Within himself he has the power to be alive and to give life.
No other living thing can make himself live.)
Jesus is telling them that he is God, because only God has the power to make himself live.
In John 10:18 Jesus said, No man takes my life from me—I lay it down—-and I will take it up again.
3555. Vs. 27 Jesus told them that God had given to him—the Son— the right and responsibility to ______________ people.
Jesus lived on earth as a man. He knows what that is like. He has the right, and the ability to judge other men.
3556. Vs. 28, 29 Jesus is telling them, that the time has come—that all those who have died—and those who will die—all those in the grave—will hear his _____________.
When they hear the voice of Jesus—-they will come out of the graves. (This is the resurrection.)
Then these people will stand before God/Jesus for judgment —-of whether they did good or evil.
If they did good, they will go to ___________________ life.
If they did evil, they will go to everlasting ____________________.
Hebrews 9:27 It is appointed unto men, once to die, and after this the judgment.