Who is it ? #9
by Joyce Webb 2019
1. Who was the Old Testament preacher/prophet who God told to go to Ninevah to preach—-but he did not want to go to that city—he got on a boat and when to another city.
God made a storm on the sea and the man was thrown over into the sea.
A very large fish swallowed him alive. ____________________________
2. The first 4 books of the New Testament have men’s names on them. What are they? _____________________ ____________________
_______________________ ____________________
3. Who was Jesus’ mother? ________________________
4. Who was Jesus’ earthly father? _______________________
5. Who was Jesus’ real father who caused him to grow in his mother?
6. This man baptized many people in the river Jordon. He was known as
______________________ the Baptist. He was Jesus’ cousin.
1. Jonah 2. Matthew Mark Luke John 3. Mary 4. Joseph
5. God, Holy Spirit 6. John