Who is it? #7

Who is it ? #7

By Joyce Webb  2019


1. What man was known for his great strength and his long hair?

______________________________ Judges 16:3

2. Who was the woman who got him to tell her the secret of his strength?

________________________ Judges 16:18

(This man’s strength was not in his hair. It was because his long hair was a sign that he was keeping a promise to God that he was obeying what God told him to do. When Samson disobeyed and told that woman about his hair—Samson had already disobeyed God. Because of it—God did not give him extra strength.)

3. Who is the woman from the country of Moab, who went with her mother-in-law Naomi—-back to the land of Judah-Israel.

Because she was willing to go with Naomi and help her—-God gave this woman many blessings. See the book of Ruth Chp. 1 Vs.8 and 16


4. A woman named Hannah was not able to have children. She was very sad.

One day while she was praying in the temple, the priest saw her and how she was crying and praying. He told her that God would answer her prayer.

She was praying for a child. God answered and gave her a boy. She name him __________________. He became a great prophet/preacher.

See I Samuel 1: 19,20

5. The people of Israel were wanting a king. God told Samuel to anoint and pray for a man named __________________ to be the first king of Israel.

See I Samuel 9:15-17

6. The first king of Israel did not obey what God told him to do. So God told him he would not be king any longer. Another person would be chosen to be king. Samuel went to Jesse’s house to see his sons. God chose which son?

He chose ________________ to be the next king. I Samuel Chp. 18 vs. 12,13















1. Samson         2. Delillah   3.Ruth      4.Samuel      5.Saul   6.  David