Book 20 —–II John Chp. 1 Vs. 1-13

II John

Joyce Webb 2019


Chapter 1 Verses 1-13


Verse 1-5

John is writing to a woman who is a believer.  John says that he loves this woman as a fellow believer, and that many other love her also.

It seems that this woman is a leader in her town. She has encouraged others to be believers.

John speaks of “her children”—meaning those that she has encouraged to be believers and has helped them in spiritual ways.

Vs. 6 John reminds her, that Jesus’ commandment to the believers was to show love to each other.

Vs. 7 John said, many teachers will come with a message that is not truth. They will say that Jesus did not come “in the flesh”.

In other words, they say that —- Jesus as the Son of God, was not born as a human baby to live as a man for a time.

John said—Do not believe them. This is the spirit of “anti-Christ”.

Vs.8 Be careful—that you do not lose or put away those things that you first learned about Jesus.

If you walk away from the truth you will lose your reward in heaven.

Vs. 9 Who ever does not stay with the true teachings (doctrine) of Christ—-will lose out with God.

The person who stays with the true teachings of Christ, will have both Christ and God in the end.

Vs.10 If any of these teachers come to teach in your town. Do not welcome them into your house, Do not wish them well or give them God’s blessings.

Vs. 11 If you give him God’s blessings—-you are saying you approve of what he is teaching.

Vs.12, 13 There are many things I would like to say to you—but I will not write them in a letter. I hope to come to you and talk to you.

Tell the believers there that I said “Hello” . Amen.