Bible Questions #3447-3457 St. John 1:30-51

Bible Questions   #3447-3457

By Joyce Webb

St. John 1: 30-51

3447. Vs. 30-34 John the Baptist said that he preached—- that there was someone coming——-that would be the Messiah that God promised. John did not know who that person would be.

Vs. 32 God told John, that when he saw a person on whom the Spirit of God came down on—-and stayed on that person—-you will know that this is the person who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.

John said, I am a witness to what happened.

I saw the Holy Spirit come down from _________________ and it came on him in the shape of a ____________________—-and it stayed on him.

3448. Vs. 34 John the Baptist said, I saw this happen. This is the

_____________ of ____________. See Matthew 3:16, 17

3449. The next day, two of the men who had followed John the Baptist, went looking for Jesus. Vs.38 They asked Jesus—Where do you __________________.

3450. They followed him. It was about 4:00 pm, so they stayed there the rest of the day.

One of the men was _______________, Simon _____________’s brother.

3451. Andrew went to find his brother, Simon ___________,

and he said We have found the ____________________.

Another name for Messiah is _________________

3452. Vs.42 Andrew brought his brother to Jesus. Jesus looked at Simon Peter and said that from now on he was to be called

________________ which means ______________.

3453. The next day, Jesus went into an area called Galilee. There he found a man named _________________. Jesus said to him, ______________ _________

3454. Philip was of the same city that ________________ and __________________ lived in.

3455. Philip found a man named _____________________.

He said to him, We have found him whom ___________________ and the _________________________talked about.

He is ____________________ from the town of ______________________. He is the son of ________________.

3456. Vs. 46 Nathanael said, Can anything ________________ come out of _________________________. (He said this—because this was a little town and not important.)

3457. Vs. 47-48 Jesus saw Nathanael coming and he said of him, —here comes an honest man. Nathanael said, Do you know me?

Jesus said, Before Philip called you to come, I saw you _______________________ under the _________ ___________.

3456. Vs. 49 Nathanael was very surprised. He said, Rabbi (Teacher) you are the _________ of _____________. You are the __________________ of ______________________.

3457. Vs. 51 Jesus said to him, You believe because I knew you were sitting under the tree? You will see _________________ open, and the ____________________ of God coming down and going up upon the Son of Man.