
Steps of Faith for the Deaf



Most of us have heard the Christmas story many times. We read about this in Luke chapter 2.

There is something that happens when Jesus is 8 days old that I think is a special story.

Joseph and Mary took Jesus to the temple to have Jesus circumcised and to bring a sacrifice offering for the first born male child.

While they were there a man saw them and came up to them to talk to them about their baby Jesus.

This man’s name was Simeon. Simeon was a man of prayer. God had promised him that he would not die until he saw with his own eyes the promised Messiah.

Simeon held this promise in his heart.

On the day that Joseph and Mary brought Jesus to the temple the Holy Spirit spoke to Simeon’s spirit and mind to go to the temple “now”.

When he was there he saw Mary and Joseph and Jesus. The Holy Spirit whispered into Simeon’s mind and spirit that this baby was the promised Messiah.

Simeon went up to them. He asked to hold the baby. He praised God for the baby. Then he said,

“Lord, now I can die in peace. As you promised me, I have seen the Savior that you have given to all people. He is a light to show God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel.”

Then he said to Mary, “This child will not be accepted by many in Israel. It was be to their sorrow that they will not accept him.

He will be the greatest joy for many others. The thoughts of many will be shown. A sword will cut your soul.” (Your heart will hurt because of what will happen to him.)


As Simeon was done speaking, an old woman came up.

Her name was, Anna. She was a woman of prayer. When she saw Jesus she began praising God. She began talking to people telling them that Jesus would be the salvation of Israel.

Mary and Joseph were both surprised at the things that were said about Jesus.

They knew that Jesus’ birth was special and different, but they still had much to learn about how different Jesus would be. As yet, they did not know how he would die.

I think it is so special and wonderful how Simeon knew the voice of the Holy Spirit when He spoke. Simeon obeyed. Because of it, he was able to see Jesus God’s promised Messiah.

What if Simeon had just ignored that “voice”. What if he was busy and brushed away the voice and had not listened? He would have missed God’s promise to him.

Do we know the Holy Spirit’s voice when he speaks to us?

Have we missed a blessing because we pushed that voice away and did not listen?

Did we miss a warning of danger because we did not listen?

I hope this story of Simeon helps us to remember how important it is for us to be “in tune” with hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit within our own spirits.

Good-bye for now. I’ll write again. Sincerely, Joyce Webb