Bible Questions #3376-3389
Luke 23 Vs. 39-56
3376. Verse 39 One of the men on one of the other crosses said what to Jesus? _______________________________________
3377. My question to you—If Jesus had come down from the cross—would he have been able to save us from our sins? ____
Why not? __________________________________________
(Jesus could have saved himself. But then we would have to die for our own sins. We are the ones who sinned and are to punished with death in hell. Jesus was willing to take our place and pay the death punishment for us.)
3378. Verse 40-43 The other man on the other cross did not feel the same as the first man. What did this second man say to Jesus?
3379. What was Jesus answer to him? ______________________
3380. Verse 44 It was about the 6th hour, which was noon. What happened to the sun? and how long did it last? ______________
3381. Verse 45 What happened to veil in the temple that was in front of the Holy of Holies room where the Ark of the Covenant was? _____________________________________________
3382. Verse 46 What does Jesus say? _____________________________________________________
3383. Look up John 10:18 What does Jesus say about his life?
3384. Verse 47 What does one of the Roman soldiers say about Jesus? ____________________________________________
3385. Verse 48, 49 There were many strangers watching, but there were people Jesus knew. What does verse 49 say?
3386. Verse 50-53 A man, a counselor, —-he was from Arimathaea.
What did he do? ______________________________________
3387. Vs. 54 The day Jesus was buried was the day of ______________________ meaning the day before Passover.
3388. Vs. 55 Who followed along behind to see where Jesus was buried? ____________________________________________
3389. Vs. 56 They went home and prepared _______________ for his body to use after the day of Passover was finished.