
Steps of Faith for the Deaf



Thanksgiving will be here soon.

There are many things to be thankful for. The happiest people are those who are thankful.

When you get up in the morning, —-thank the Lord for a nice warm bed to sleep in. Thank the Lord for a bathroom. (Remember long ago and the outhouse out back?)

Thank the Lord for your kitchen, your stove, refrigerator. Thank the Lord for food to eat. Table and chairs to sit on.

Thank the Lord for your job., for a car, for the money your earn.

Thank the Lord for friends, family. Thank the Lord for police, and firefighters.

For those of us born in the United States, thank the Lord for the freedoms you have as an American. The freedom to go where you want, to have an education, to have a church.

Thank the Lord for a Bible that you can read. Thank the Lord for the many Bible things in sign language.

Thank the Lord for forgiving your sins. Thank the Lord for the promise of heaven.

There are so many things to be thankful for. People who live in other parts of the world where life is much harder, would love to have all these things.

God let you be born in America where life was a lot easier. Thank the Lord.

Tell the Lord how much you are thankful for all these things. Tell your friends how glad you are for their friendship. Tell your family how much you love them and are thankful for them being in your life.

Good-bye for now.        I’ll write again.                                    Sincerely,       Joyce Webb