Can You Answer These Questions? 91518
1. John 17:3 This is life ______________________ that they may know you the only true God and ______________ _______________ whom you have sent.
2. John 16:28 Jesus said: “I came forth from the __________________, and I am come into the ___________________, again, I leave the world, and go to the ______________________.”
3. Acts 4:12 Neither is there ________________________ in any other _______________________ under heaven given among men whereby
We must be _______________________.
4. Romans 3:23 For __________ have _________________ and come short of the glory of God.
5. Romans 6:23 For the ______________________ (payment) for sin is _______________________, but the ___________________ of God is
______________________ ___________________ through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1. Eternal Jesus Christ 2. Father world Father 3. Salvation name
Saved 4. All sinned 5. Wages death gift eternal life