Easy Bible Questions #133

Can You Answer These Questions? 90118


1. John 14: 6 Jesus said, “ I am the _____________, the ______________, and the ________________________. No man comes to the Father but by ________________.”

2. John 14: 11 Jesus said, “Believe me that I am in the ____________________ and the Father is in _______________.”

3. John 14:15 Jesus said, “If you ____________me, ____________ my commandments.”

4. John 14:26 “The One who comforts, The __________ ____________________ whom my Father wilI send, will

________________ you all things.

5. John 14:27 Jesus said, “______________ leave with you, my

________________ I give to you.”





1. Way,   truth,   life    me      2. Father   me     3. Love    keep       4.Holy Spirit    teach    5.Peace peace