
Steps of Faith for the Deaf



Here is a verse that we need to think about from time to time:

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord, For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:8

Sometimes we wonder why God does not answer our prayers, or why He does not answer them the way we want.

God’s thoughts and plans for us are much higher and better than what we want or hope for.

We want things for now on this earth. We usually want things that will make us happy, or comfortable.

God sees a bigger picture for us. He wants us to develop and grow in our spirit.

He wants us to develop and grow character—like being honest, patient, kind, able to be strong when we have trouble, and sadness.

If God gave us all the things we wanted it would be like a parent giving a child everything they wanted. The child would always expect everything to be as they wanted.

We know children need to hear the word “No.”. We know children need to have disciple and rules. We know children need to learn how to work and share and give.

God sees our spirits and souls and he knows what we need to learn to grow our souls and spirits to be more like God. To learn to obey God better. To learn to help others and to tell others about Jesus.

Some things that happen to us are because of our choices. We made bad decisions.. We did not choose the right friends. We did not choose to stay away from places that we not good for us.

We did not eat healthy foods. We ate too much. We were not careful about our health.

We did not spend our money wisely. We used a credit card too much. We gambled it away. We did not save money in the bank.

God is not to blame for all of our problems. God would have helped us with each choice if we had asked him.

Sometimes things happen that we have no control over. Some of these things are bad and very sad.

We do not understand why it had to be this way. This is when we have to trust God to give us strength, patience, and a good spirit about it.

We have to trust that God can use it to make us a better person. Troubles often help us be more understanding and forgiving to others.

Good-bye for now.       I’ll write again.                                 Sincerely, Joyce Webb