
Steps of Faith for the Deaf 81518


James in the New Testament, in his book, warns us to be careful about what we say. James Chp. 3 talks about the tongue being small but can make big trouble.

James says the tongue is like a rudder that turns a ship. A rudder on a ship is small but it turns the huge ship.

He says the tongue is like a small spark that can start a huge fire that destroys.

The words we say are important. We can influence people by what we say.

We can ruin someone reputation by what we say.

If we say something about someone and it is not true we can hurt that person’s life and family.

Be sure what you say about someone is perfectly true. Do not say things about them if it is just your opinion and you do not know it to be true.

If you criticize others you may find that other people will say things about you.

There is an old saying: “If you can not say something good about somebody, then do not say anything at all.”

There are times when you have to tell others bad things about someone. But do it carefully. Make sure it is true. Do not do it just to gossip.

Words that build up are much better than words that tear down.

Words that encourage or praise or speak well of others makes everyone feel better.

If you are a person who has many problems or troubles or sickness try not to be talking about them all the time. There is a time and place to share your troubles with close friends and family. Try not to be a person who is always complaining or speaking about their troubles. Try to find positive things to say. Find good news to share.

You know that you feel better when you hear encouraging words. You know that you feel better when you have had happy and worthwhile conversation with others.

Psalms 19:14 “Let the words of my mouth, and the thoughts of my heart, be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer.”

Good-bye for now.     I’ll write again.                        Sincerely, Joyce Webb