Bible Questions #3251-3258 Luke 20 Vs. 1-26

Bible Questions #3251-3258

Luke 20 Vs. 1-26

3251. Vs. 1-8 The Jewish church leaders came to Jesus and asked him a question. What was their question? ____________________________________________________


3252. Did Jesus answer their question? ______ What did he do?


(Jesus gives us a good example of how to be wise. When someone would try to trap us and make a problem for us with a question, we can turn it back to them.

The Jewish church leaders did not really ask the question to learn. They asked that question so they could criticize Jesus and make trouble for him. They wanted to blame him for blasphemy.

They did not believe that Jesus was God or God’s son. But they wanted to hear him say something that they could go to the High Priest and report.

Jesus beat them at their game. He did not allow himself to be caught in their trap. So he ask them a question that would make a “trap” for them. They would not answer his question.

In another Bible verse it says to be “as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.” This is an example of that.)

3253. Vs. 9-18 Jesus tells a story of a man who goes on a long trip. He sends a servant to check on his vineyard. What happens to the servant? _______________________________________________________________

3254. He sends ________ more servants. But the same thing happens to them.

3255. Finally, he sends his son, thinking that they will respect his son. But what happens to the son? ________________________________________________________


3256. Vs. 19 The Pharisees understood that Jesus was talking about them. That same hour they tried to do what to Jesus?


(The servants in the story were the prophets of the Old Testament that God sent to the people of Israel. They did not treat the prophets well. They beat them, put them in prison, and killed some.

The son in the story refers to Jesus. Meaning the people of Israel will try to kill him, too.)

3257. The Jewish leaders ask Jesus another question trying to trap him into saying something they can report to the Roman rulers.

They ask him if they should pay taxes to Caesar the Roman ruler.

The land of Israel was given to the Jewish people by God.

It is their land. But the Romans have come in and taken over and are now the rulers. They make the Jewish people pay taxes to the Roman ruler.

The Jews feel that they should not have to pay taxes to this Roman ruler.

3258. But what answer does Jesus give them? Vs. 25 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

So Jesus again does not fall into their trap.