Easy Bible Questions #130

Can You Answer These Questions? 71518



1. John 6:40 Jesus said: This is the will of him who sent me, that every one which sees the ___________________, and _____________________ on him, may have ______________________________ _______________.

And I will _____________________ him up at the _______________ day.


2. John 8: 32 You shall know the _________________ and the

__________________ shall make you ____________________.


3.John 10:30 I and my ______________________ are _____________


4.John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the ___________________, the ________________, and the ____________________;


no man comes unto the _________________________except by ______________.












1.Son     believes     everlasting life     2. Truth     truth     free    3. Father    one     4. Way    truth life    Father    me