Easy Bible Questions #108

Can You Answer These Questions?

Luke chp. 8:41-42 – 49-56

1. A man name Jairas a ruler in the Jewish church called a ________________________.

2. What was wrong with his daughter? ________________________________________________________________________

3. How old was the daughter? __________________

4. Was she the only child he had? ____________________

5. Jesus started to go to the man’s house, but along the way, there were so many people it was slow walking. And then another woman needed help. By the time Jesus got close to the house, a servant came out to Jesus and said what ?

Vs 49___________________________________________________________________

6. Vs. 50 But Jesus said, Do not be afraid only ____________________ She will be made ____________________________

7. .Vs 52 Jesus said She was just _______________________. (Because Jesus knew what he planned to do.)

8. But the people ___________________________ because they knew she was dead.

9. Vs. 54, 55 Jesus went in to the girl. He said, Young girl _____________________

10. What happened? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________












1. Synagogue        2. She was dying       3. 12       4.yes           5. That she had died        6. believe      Whole (well)

7. Sleeping        8. Laughed        9. Arise (get up)       10. She got up and her parents gave her something to eat.