Easy Bible Questions #107

Can You Answer These Questions?

Luke chp. 8:43-48


1. As Jesus was walking to this man’s house the crowd of people were so many it made walking slow.

A woman came near to Jesus. She had an _______________ of _______________________ for _________________ years.

2. She had spent all of her ________________ on doctors but they could not help her.

3. When she got close to Jesus she touched the ________________ of his robe.

4. What happened to her? _____________________________________________

5. Jesus asked Who _____________________ me?

6. The disciples were surprised by that question because in the crowd of people everyone was bumping into others. But Jesus said I felt that _________________ has gone out of me. (In other words, Jesus felt his healing power flow out of him.)

7. The woman was afraid, but Jesus said to her vs. 48 ___________________
















1. Issue of blood    12       2. Money      3. Hem       4. She was healed and the bleeding stopped      5. Touched      6. Daughter, be of good comfort,   Your faith has made you well, go in peace.