Bible Questions #2959-2969
Luke chp. 8:26-39
2959. Jesus now goes to the land of the G___________________________.
2960. As Jesus got out of the boat, a man came to meet him. This man had a big problem. What was his problem? __________________________________________
2961. Where was the man living? ___________________________________________
2962. The man began to yell at Jesus. What was he saying? _______________________
2963. What did the man call Jesus? Who did the man say Jesus was? _______________
2964. The demons gave this man great strength. The man was able to do what?
2965. When Jesus asked the demons, What is your name? What did the demons say?
( The word “legion” was a word used for the Roman army. It was a group of soldiers of 3000 to 6000 men.)
2966. The demons did not want Jesus to send them where? _____________________
2967. The demons begged Jesus to let them go into what? ______________________
(Demons want to be in a body. They like to be in a human body best, but they were willing to go into the animals body rather than be sent to the “pit” or “hell”.
They will be sent to hell in the end, but as they said to Jesus “not before our time”)
(Why were there so many pigs there? People who study history say that the people in this place raised pigs for the offerings at the temple of Zeus —–a Greek god./idol)
2968. How did the men watching the pigs feel about what happened to the pigs? What did they say to Jesus? ______________________________________________
2969. Is the man who had the demons a well man now? ____________ He wanted to go with Jesus, but Jesus told him to do what? ____________________________