Easy Bible Questions #104

Can You Answer These Questions?

Luke 8: 12-15 These questions go with the verses before these questions are about the story of the seeds meaning

1. Vs. 12 The seeds that fell by the wayside of the path are like people who hear the Word of God but the ____________________ comes and takes it away from their thinking. The _________________________ does not want them to believe God’s Word.

2. Vs. 13 The seed that fell among the rocks are like people who hear the Word of God. They believe and they begin to grow in the with God. They do not have deep r__________________ . The rocks are like t____________________________. The people begin to sin and go back to their old ways.

3. Vs. 14 The seed that fell among the thorns are like people who hear the Word of God they believe and begin to grow in the spirit with God. But the c______________ and r_____________________ and p__________________________ of life make the plants weak and they have leaves but no fruit.

4. Vs. 15 This seed falls on good ground it grows well and has much fruit. These are people who hear the Word of God and k_____________ it. And so they grow in God

and they do much good for God.
















1.devil   devil     2. Roots     temptations      3. Cares      riches      pleasures      4. keep