Easy Bible Questions #79

Can You Answer These Questions?

1. The people of Israel are walking through the wilderness (fields of land with dry grasses, small bushes, etc.). They do not have any food. So God tells them that he will send bread down from heaven. It was not like real bread. It was a small round flat seed like thing. It was sweet. The people called it ____________________________. Exodus 16:31

2. God gave them the 10 Commandments. Exodus 20: 1-17

Vs.3 1. Thou shall have no other __________________ before me.

Vs.4 2. Thou shall not make any graven (carved) _____________________

Vs. 7 3. Thou shall not take the name of the _____________________ thy God in ___________________

Vs. 8. 4. Remember the _____________________________ day to keep it holy.

Vs. 12. 5, Honor thy ____________________ and thy _____________________

Vs..13 6. Thou shall not _______________________.

Vs. 14 7. Thou shall not commit (do) ___________________________ (have sex with someone you are not married to)

Vs. 15 8. Thou shall not ____________________

Vs. 16 9. Thou shall not bear false witness (tell a lie) about your _________________

Vs. 17 10. Thou shall not _____________________ (want things other people have so much that you are jealous)












1. Manna          2.   Commandments:      1. Gods   2.image     3.Lord’s   vain     4.Sabbath

5.Father,   Mother       6.kill       7. Adultery       8. Steal      9. neighbor       10. covet