Easy Bible Questions #78

Can You Answer These Questions?

Exodus 13:17-22


1. Who led the people of Israel (Hebrew) out of Egypt? _________________________

Exodus 3:11

2. Who was Moses’ brother? _______________________ Exodus 7:2

3. The Hebrew Israel people lived and worked as slaves in Egypt for _____________ years. Exodus 12:41

4. God led them using a ________________________ in the day time, and a cloud or pillar of _______________________ at night.

5. The people came to a wide sea, river called the ___________ Sea. Exodus 15:4

6. Moses held his _____________________ over the sea, and God made a __________________________ to blow the sea back and to make the land __________.

The __________________ blew all that night. Exodus 14:21

7. The people of Israel walked in the middle of the sea. The waters were like a ___________ on their ___________________ hand and their ________________.

Exodus 14:22












1. Moses      2. Aaron       3. 430 years       4. Cloud,   fire        5. Red        6. Hand,    go back,    dry,  wind

7. Wall    right    left