Easy Bible Questions #71

Can You Answer These Questions?

1.Genesis 22:1,2 The promised son, Isaac is finally born. Then God put a test to Abraham. It is a hard test to see if Abraham loves God more than any other.

God wants to see if Abraham will give up his beloved son to God.

What does God ask Abraham to do? __________________________________


2. Genesis 22:3 Abraham takes his son and __________________ for the offering. But he takes no lamb.

3. Genesis 22:6 Abraham took the ___________________, his son, _______________ and a ______________________________.

4. Genesis 22:7 Isaac ask his father. Where is the ___________________ for the offering?

5. Genesis 22:8 Abraham said God will _______________________ himself a

__________________________ for the offering.

6. Genesis 22:9 -11 Abraham tied up his son and put him on the altar. He lifted up the __________________ to kill him.

7. The _________________ of the Lord called out from _____________________, Do not put your hand upon him. I know now that you love/fear God more.

8. Genesis 22:13 Then Abraham looked up and saw a ________________ caught in a bush. He took the _______________ and killed it for the offering.










1.offer his son Isaac on an altar   2. Wood     3. Wood, fire, knife    4. Lamb     5. Provide, lamb    6. Knife

7. Angel heaven    8.ram ram.