Easy Bible Questions #54

Can You Answer These Questions?

Who Am I?

1. I am the first man who ever lived. _____________________

2. I am the first man who killed someone. ________________________

3. I am the man who God called to follow Him. He promised to give me a son. And to make my family so big as to be a nation of people. ___________________________

4. I am the man who built a very big boat. And God sent animals to be in it. ____________________

5. I am the first woman who ever lived. _____________________

6. I am the mother of Jesus. __________________________

7. I am the man who led the people out of Egypt. God gave me the 10 Commandments.


8. I was Jesus’ first cousin. I was called __________________ the Baptist.

9. I had a son when I was 90 years old. ________________________

10. I was swallowed by a big fish/whale. ____________________________











1. Adam       2. Cain       3. Abraham       4. Noah       5. Eve     6. Mary      7. Moses     8. John       9. Sarah       10. Jonah