Easy Bible Questions #48

Can You Answer These Questions?

1. Who was Samson’s girlfriend? _______________________ (The one who took him down.) Judges 16:4

2. How many stones did David pick up to kill the giant? ___________ I Samuel 17:40

3. What man received a promise that he would see the promised “Messiah” before he died? ______________________ Luke 2:25-26

4. Did Jesus touch lepers when he healed them? ___________ Luke 5:25-26

5. Who tempted Jesus in the wilderness (desert) ? _________________ Luke 4:13

6. At times Jesus preached from a _______________ on the water. Luke 5:1-3

7. Were there 2 disciples named Judas? __________ Luke 6:14-16

8. Elijah helped a miracle happen for a widow woman with a son. He helped her with food. The _______________________ and _____________________ never ran out—were completely gone. I Kings 17:8-16









Yes        oil       Yes         ship          flour (meal)        Satan           Delilah           five        Simeon