The Acts of the Apostles Chapter 19 Vs. 1 Apollos was in Corinth now. Paul traveled on to Ephesus. He found the believers there. He asked them, “Have you received the Holy Spirit since you have believed?” They answered that they had not heart about that. They said they had be baptized in water like
Bible Questions # 2185-2197 By Joyce Webb Matthew Chp. 20 2185. Vs. 1-16 The workers agreed to work for the day for how much? ___________________________ 2186. Later in the morning, he hired more workers. He told them that he would pay them how much? _____________________________________________________ 2187. He went out 3 more times during the day and hired
Can You Answer These Questions? 1. Which son of Abraham was saved by a water of well that appeared in the wilderness? ________________________ Genesis 21: 9-21 2. In Revelation 3:20 Who is standing at the door knocking? The door represents our heart. _________________________ 3. John the Baptist’s mother and Jesus’ mother were _____________________.Luke 1:26 4.