Bible Questions #2155-2168 Matthew Chp. 18

Bible Questions # 2155- 2168 By Joyce Webb

Matthew Chp. 18

2155. Vs. 1 What question do the disciples ask Jesus? ____________________________


2156. Vs.4 What was Jesus’ answer? _________________________________________


2157. Vs. 6 Jesus warns about doing something that would make a child who believes in Jesus to lose faith. What does Jesus say? ___________________________


2158. Vs. 7 Temptation to sin and the “pull” towards sin is everywhere in the world around us. Jesus warns the person not to be the one responsible for tempting others or leading others into sin. What does Jesus say would be better for such a person to do?

Vs. 8 ___________________________________________________________________


(In some countries if you steal they would cut off your hand. If cutting off your hand would make you stop doing sin it would be good for you to be with out a hand but free of sin. Jesus wants the disciples to understand how serious it is to not lead people or tempt them into sinning. Or to say and do things or act in a way that would make them give up the faith.)

2159. Vs.10 Jesus said that the children’s __________________________ do always stand before the Father in heaven.

(Some people have believed this verse means that everyone has a personal angel who watches over them. No where else in the Bible do we find a verse that says that we have a personal angel. It is my thinking that God watches over us and he could choose to send any angel to help us. My faith is not in a “personal angel” my faith is in God the Father who watches. Maybe there are certain angels who watch over children.)

2160. Vs. 11 This verse tells the reason Jesus came to earth and it is the reason he did not take himself down from the cross: Why did Jesus come? __________________


(Remember the Jewish people have been looking for a Messiah. A person who would save them not from their sin but from Rome or other nations who ruled over them.

What they did not understand was their need of being saved from their sins so they could have a relationship and fellowship with God as Adam did before he sinned. They needed to be saved from their sin so they could go to heaven.)

2161. Vs. 12-14 What is the story Jesus tells? _______________________________




(This is a picture of how the Holy Spirit follows after believers when they go away from their faith and go astray from God. The Holy Spirit like a good Shepherd tries to bring them back.)

2162. Vs.15 If we have a problem with someone we are to do what?



2163. Vs.16 If that person will not listen or change for fix the problem what should you do next? ___________________________________________________________


2164. Vs.17 What do you do next? __________________________________________


(The end of the vs. 17 means to not have fellowship with the person. Treat them as a person who is not a believer. A person who is a believer should want to work out problems with you so that you both are satisfied with the agreement. That means we have to give in something, too.)

Vs. 18 This verse has been hard to understand for many people. Bible teachers have different ideas about what it means. I think it has to do with problems between people that is talked about in Vs. 16,17 After the church or group of people hearing the problem decide what should be done then that is what should happen. Their word and decision is “law” and that is how the problem should be handled.

For the early church of believers “Christianity” was a new way of living and believing and understanding the things of God. There were probably things that people did that others thought should not be done. There were probably arguments about many things.

2165.Vs. 19, 20 Copy these verses. People say these verses often. They are good to know. _________________________________________________________________





2166. Vs. 21,22 Peter asked Jesus how often he should be expected to forgive someone. Peter says, “Should I forgive him ________ times?”

Jesus said he should forgive him _________________________times. In other words, we need to keep on forgiving just as God keeps on forgiving us.

(Forgiving someone you do not hold something against them any more. Or that you are not trying to get them to “pay” for their wrong doing. However, if the person does not change his behavior you need to be careful about trusting them until you see a change in their behavior.

Remember Vs.17 where if a person will not come to an agreement with you or hear what you are saying then you are to treat them like they are not a believer like someone who not part of the believing church. You separate yourself from them until they change their ways.

If your argument is with a family member then you may need other people you trust to listen to the disagreement and help you decide what to do. )

2167. Vs.23-34 Jesus told a story about forgiveness. What happen in this story?









2168. Vs. 35 Jesus said this is how the _______________________ in heaven will do to you, if you will not _________________________________________________.