Bible Questions #1007-1013 Matthew Chp. 4

Bible Questions # 1007-1013

By Joyce Webb


Matthew Chp. 4 Vs. 12


1005. What happened to John the Baptist? __________________________________


Why was he put in jail? Read Matthew 14:1-12

1006. Vs. 18 Who does Jesus call to follow him and be his disciples? ______________ and ________________________________. What kind of work do these men do? _________________________________________________________________

Jesus was asking them to leave their work and to give their time to follow him and learn what he would teach them. This meant that the men would not have their own money to take care of their families. It meant that they would go wherever Jesus went and they would listen and learn.

This was a big decision! They must have had some knowledge about Jesus. I would not think that Jesus was a complete stranger to them. I am sure there was something special about Jesus that made the men feel that Jesus was a special man to learn from.

1007. Vs. 21 Jesus met 2 more brothers. They were working with their father.

Who were they? __________________________ and __________________________?

What did they do for a job? _______________________________________________


1008. Vs. 23-25 What does Jesus do? _____________________________________


1009. Chp. 5 Vs. 1-12 This is a sermon Jesus spoke. This group of verses is called the “Beatitudes” Attitudes are the way we think about something. Jesus is telling us how to think. He begins each one by saying, “Blessed” are those who think like this.

Vs. 3 Blessed are the ____________________________________________

For they _______________________________________________________________

Vs. 4 Blessed are ________________________________________________

For they _____________________________________________________________

Vs. 5 Blessed are _______________________________________________

For they _______________________________________________________________

Vs. 6 Blessed are ___________________________________________________

For they ________________________________________________________________

Vs. 7 Blessed are ___________________________________________________

For they ________________________________________________________________

Vs. 8 Blessed are _________________________________________________

For they ________________________________________________________________

Vs. 9 Blessed are ________________________________________________

For they _______________________________________________________________

Vs. 10 Blessed are __________________________________________________

For they ________________________________________________________________

Vs. 11 Blessed are __________________________________________________

For they ________________________________________________________________

Vs. 12 Be happy because if you are persecuted (hurt, made to suffer) for my sake

Then great is your ___________________________ in _________________________.

1010. Vs.13 You are the _____________________ of the ______________________.

If the salt is no more salty, then it is ________________________________________


1011. Vs. 14 You are the ___________________________ of the world. A city that is up on a hill can not _________________________________.

1012. A candle is not hidden under a bowl, but it is put on a ___________________________________ so that the candle will give light to all the _______________________________.

1013. Let your ___________________ shine. So that ___________________ will see your ________________________________________ and will give glory to ______________________________ which is in heaven.

Salt and light are symbols. Christians are to be like salt. Salt makes everything taste better. It brings out the flavor of the food. No one notices the salt. They just know the food tastes good. So as Christians we do not bring attention to ourselves but because we are in the world the good things that we do and the good way we live makes the world a better place.

Christians are like a light. We are not to hide our faith and belief in Jesus. Our faith and believing in Jesus shows people their sin so they can ask for forgiveness. We know how to have forgiveness. We teach them. We give them “light” and understanding about God and Jesus.