Easy Bible Questions #4

Can You Answer These Questions?

1. What was the father’s name of the 12 year old girl who died but Jesus made her alive again? _____________________________ Luke 8:41,42, 49-56

2. What birds brought Elijah food while he was hiding out at the brook Cherith?

_______________________________ I Kings 17:1-5

3. Jonah was sent to preach to the city of ______________________. (He did not go there at first.) Jonah 3: 4, 5

4. Who was Abram’s son born to Hagar? __________________________

Genesis 16:15 Do you know what large group of people he was the “father” of?

______________________________ They are against Isaac’s people the “Jews” still today. They are really half-brothers.

5. What part of the city of the New Jerusalem will be made of pure gold and will be transparent (see through) like glass? ___________________________

Revelation 21:21 The New Jerusalem is where Jesus will reign as King over the whole earth in the future.

6. Who tempted Jesus in the wilderness? ______________________ Tempted means

“tried to get him to do wrong”. Mark 1: 13

7. What is the name of this Old Testament book? Song of _________________________

8. Perfect love casts out (puts away) _______________________. I John 4:18



Fold the answers under. Try to do it without looking a the answers. Look up the answers in the Bible.

Answers: These are not in order.                      Did not want to make it too easy.






Satan           fear           Solomon           ravens           Ishmael            Nineveh         Jairus       Arabs       streets