Can You Answer These Questions?
1. Who was the first person to murder someone? ____________________ Genesis 4:8
2. The tribe of Israel that were the priests _______________________
Numbers 1:49,50
3. The serpent told Eve—–in the garden of Eden—-“In the day you eat……… will be as ______________________ knowing good and evil.” Genesis 3:5
4. After seeing the scars in Jesus’ hands —–after he rose again—-who said, “My Lord, and my God!” _____________ John 20:24, 28
5.” Where your treasure is there will be your _________________________ also.”
Matthew 6:21
6. How many years was David king? __________years I Kings 11:42
7. How many years was his son Solomon king? _____________ years II Samuel 5:4
8. “The wise man built his house on the rock but the foolish man built on the ______________. Matthew 7:24-26
Fold the answers under. Try to do it without looking a the answers. Look up the answers in the Bible.
Answers: These are not in order. Did not want to make it too easy.
40 sand Thomas Cain 40 Levi heart gods