Lesson #49—Parables of Jesus—The Parable of the Pharisee and Publican

Parables of Jesus—

The Parable of the Pharisee and Publican

By Joyce Webb 2008

A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.

Jesus told stories so people could understand things about heaven.

he Parable of the Pharisee and the Publican

Luke 18:9-14

Jesus told this parable:

Two men went up to the temple (church) to pray.

One was a church leader from a group called the Pharisees. They were very proud of how they obeyed all of the Bible laws.

The Pharisee stood in the temple where people could see him. He prayed aloud so people could hear what he said.

“God, I thank you that I am not as other men who cheat people, or do adultery (have sex with women other than one’s wife), or even like this publican (tax collector).

I fast (go without eating) twice a week. I give one tenth of my money to the temple (church) .”

The publican (tax collector) stood far off by himself.

He did not even lift up his head. He hit his chest with his hands and said, “God, I am a sinner. Give me mercy.”

Jesus said, “The tax collector was heard by God and forgiven.

He went home with peace in his heart.

Whoever makes himself humble, God will lift up.

Whoever is proud and lifts up himself, God will bring down.”