Lesson #40—Parables of Jesus–The Parable of the Lamp on a Stand

Parables of Jesus—

The Parable of the Lamp on a Stand

by Joyce Webb 2008

A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning.

Jesus told stories so people could understand things about heaven.

The Parable of the Lamp on a Stand

Mark 4: 21-29

Jesus said to the people, “Do you bring in a lamp and then put it under a bowl or a bed? No, you put the lamp on a lamp stand, so the light will shine all around and light up the space.”

The meaning: Our Christian testimony is a light to people who do not know Jesus.

Should we hide our light? Should we be afraid to let others know that we love and obey Jesus? No, we should let our Christian light shine so people will see that we follow Jesus.

Sometimes we are afraid others will laugh at us. Sometimes we are afraid that they will say things against us for being Christian.

Sometimes we feel that we are not such a good Christian. We know we do not always live the way we should. We feel that if we say we are a Christian other people will say, “Oh, really, I saw you do this or say that—-how can you be a Christian?” So we keep quiet and say nothing.

We need to be careful how we live so we can say we are following Jesus.

But we will never be perfect and we will make mistakes.

We need to tell others about Jesus and do the best we can.

Then let Jesus speak to their hearts.