Book #1—-Matthew Chp. 6

Chapter 6     verses 1-4     Read the Bible verses

We should give gifts to the poor, but we are not to brag about it or to go around telling everyone what we do.


Chapter 6 verses 5-18 Read the Bible verses

Praying should not be done to show off to everyone how much we pray. Praying is talking to God. There is a time to pray in front of people in meetings or church, but praying is usually a personal conversation with God. No one needs to see you talk to God.

When we pray we are not to repeat and say the same words over and over. In some religions people chant —sing-song the same words over and over. Jesus said not to do this. Saying words over and over will not get God to hear us any better.

Jesus gives us an example of how to pray. This prayer is called the Lord’s prayer. It is a good prayer to know from memory.

Forgive us our trespasses (sins) as we forgive those who trespass (sin) against us.

Jesus said if you want God to forgive you, you must be willing to forgive those who have hurt you.

Sometimes this can be really hard. If people have hurt you deeply, especially when you were a child, it is hard to forgive. But still—Jesus said we must forgive others if we want forgiveness.

If you have something in your past that you have had a hard time forgiving the person who hurt you, you should pray that the Lord will help you come to an understanding in your heart so you can say “I forgive”.

When you fast (go without eating) and pray, don’t go around telling everyone. Just keep it to yourself. It is between you and God.


Chapter 6 verses 19-21 Read the Bible verses

Our goal in life should not be making money and getting things money can buy.

Thieves can take away our money and our things. Moths are little bugs that eat wool clothing. Rust ruins things and they have to be thrown away. Using our life just to get things is not a good use of our life. We need to think about heaven and where we will be living forever. What plans have you made for that place?

Laying up treasures in heaven means that the things we do here on earth will have eternal value and worth. Helping people learn about Jesus and living to please Jesus is something we can do that will last forever.

Giving money to missionaries who are teaching people about Jesus will last forever.

When you do things on earth that have to do with eternal things we lay up treasures in heaven. It is like putting money in a bank in heaven. They are treasures that last forever.

Some people do not have much money to share, so maybe they can give of their time. They can tell people about Jesus. They can teach a Sunday School class. They can give people papers to read about Jesus.

Go visit people and encourage them to keep being faithful. If someone is discouraged you can talk to them to help them keep the faith.

If all of your living and all of your spending of money is just for this life—then when you die—you leave all your treasures here.

What treasures will you have when you get to heaven? Only what is done for Jesus will last.






Chapter 6 verses 22, 23 Read the Bible verses

Your eyes let in learning and things to think about for your mind.

Your mind and spirit are very close. What you allow in your mind will get into your spirit.

You need to be careful what you watch on TV or in the movies. You need to be careful about videos and the internet.

Sinful sexual pictures should not be what a Christian looks at.

Pictures stay in your mind. Someone said that everything you have ever seen is in your brain. It can come out in dreams or memory. Be careful what you put in your mind.

Horror bloody movies stay in your mind, especially for children.

What do you watch on TV or the video? Would Jesus sit and watch it with you?

Don’t fill your mind with “garbage”. Your spirit is fed from your mind. What are you feeding your spirit? Is the Holy Spirit cringing (pulling back) when those thoughts are allowed in your mind?

In Philippines 4:8 Paul tells us to choose our thoughts carefully. If something is true, pure (clean), honest, good, lovely, and honorable then we can think about those things. If the thought does not measure up, then do not allow the thought. Stop the thought and do not let it stay.


Chapter 6 verse 24 Read the Bible verse

You can not serve God and this world and money at the same time.

No man can have two masters and serve them.

Either Jesus is your Lord and you serve him or the world is your lord and you live for what this world gives.

If Jesus is your Lord—you will have a wonderful forever.

If you live for what this world can give—then everything is gone when you die.


Chapter 6 verses 25-34 Read the Bible verses

Jesus said that we are not to worry about having the things we need.

God takes care of the birds and we are worth much more than birds.

Life is more than just having food and clothing.

Your heavenly Father knows what you need and he will take care of you.

Does worry help? Does worry bring what you need? All of our worry can not change anything.

If you put Jesus first in your life—God will take care of your needs.